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Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN

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Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN Empty Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:13 am

....In this day and age....Goundars pulling a stunt like this against dalits is utter stupidity.


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Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN Empty Re: Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Aug 10, 2013 5:36 am

It probably is not a simple case of dalits being kept out of the temple for nothing, for being just dalits. There is a greater chance of something more hideous, such as the following, behind this episode.

Perhaps some politician or party might be trying to get a better political footing and garner more votes from people on the basis of this controversy and even paying someone in the temple (priest or management) to create this situation.  

Or, may be someone in the gounder community got paid by special interests or outsiders to pull this stunt (deny entry in the temple to dalits) to create a religious controversy.

Or, someone in the dalit community encouraged this situation (being denied entry to the temple) by paying someone in the temple or gounder community so that this situation and resulting controversy can be used to justify the continuation of quotas based on caste for dalits. 

You can think of a few more like this.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN Empty Re: Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Aug 10, 2013 7:25 am

yes any other scenario except the most straightforward one, namely, the historical animosity between the gownders and dalits.

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Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN Empty Re: Dalits disallowed entry to temple in TN

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sat Aug 10, 2013 12:36 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:yes any other scenario except the most straightforward one, namely, the historical animosity between the gownders and dalits.
This is an easwaran koil...and difficult to imagine a Goundar-Dalit confrontation as both parties mostly go to Mariamman kovil. Will be interesting to read the reason behind this.


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